Firebush (Hamelia Patens) swarmed with Zebra Longwing butterflies in spring. The butterfly’s host plant, Passionvine, grows behind and amongst the flowering shrubs, attracting even more butterflies year round.

Gulf Fritillary (orange caterpillars) and Zebra Longwing (white caterpillars) feeding side by side on Passionvine Incarnata.

A monarch drinks nectar from a Giant Pink Penta (Old Fashioned). Pentas bloom year round in Florida gardens, and are incredibly easy to propagate new plants by snapping a stem and sticking into the soil. They need little irrigation, have few pests, and provide nectar for many pollinators.

Dutchman Pipevine waiting to be devoured by Polydamas “Goldrim” caterpillars. This pipevine will be “eaten down” each year and grows back vigorously.

The larvae of the Polydamas butterfly are messy eaters. They will chomp through whichever part of the pipevine they are positioned on, often eating through or breaking off large pieces of the plant.