I can think of no better plant to first install in a budding butterfly gardener’s landscape. There is everything to love about this dynamic, easy-to-grow Florida Native plant.

Firebush is a Florida Native that attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and pollinators. It requires little irrigation, and grows well in full sun or part shade.

Firebush can be trained to grow into a tall tree, or can be maintained as a medium to large shrub. It flowers year round and attracts all types of pollinators, especially Gulf Fritillary and Zebra Longwing butterflies. Birds feed on the berries, and hummingbirds will drink nectar from the tubular, bright orange and red flowers. The plant is fast growing without being aggressive or spreading into areas you don’t want it.

Water your plant when you are first helping it establish, but after that it requires little irrigation or maintenance besides desired pruning. Keep it near the back of your beds, since it will grow tall (5-8ft), and consider intermixing various host plants such as milkweed and passionvine to grow amongst your plants and attract even more butterflies.

UF-IFAS plant descripition: https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/ornamentals/firebush.html